Joana Magalhães
Science Communication Area Manager

Contact with Joana Magalhães:
joana.magalhaes@scienceforchange.euJoana Magalhães
Science Communication Area Manager
Joana has a degree in Biology from the University of Aveiro and a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the Complutense University of Madrid, financed with a Marie Sklodowska Curie Early Stage Training Fellowship at the CSIC. She later joined INIBIC and CIBER-BBN as a post-doctoral researcher and professor at the University of A Coruña, working in the field of regenerative medicine applied to rheumatic diseases. In parallel with her research career, she has coordinated science communication projects, through the media, from a gender perspective and has participated in research projects with the active participation of patients in the knowledge generation process. We can also see her regularly immersed in collaborations between art and science. She loves hackathons and she is a mentor at EMERGENCE at the University of Porto, in the field of science communication. She is a member of the board of directors of AMIT-Nodo Galicia, DivulgAcción and has recently been named Academic Numerary of the Galician Academy of Portuguese Language.
At SfC she brings her interdisciplinary and multicultural experience in the management of NEWSERA, focused on the new paradigm #CitSciComm and its connection to data journalism #CitSciJournalism
Contact with Joana Magalhães:
joana.magalhaes@scienceforchange.euPublications in which he has participated Joana Magalhães.
Editorial: Bridging citizen science and science communication
Joana Magalhães,
20/08/2024 - - Articulo Científico
Editorial: The creation and impact of visual narratives for science and health communication
Joana Magalhães,
21/03/2024 - - Articulo Científico
NEWSERA Blueprint for CitSciComm with and for industry and SMEs
Rosa Arias, Blanca Guasch, Joana Magalhães,
08/10/2023 - - Deliverable
NEWSERA Policy Brief 2
Rosa Arias, Joana Magalhães,
06/10/2023 - - Policy brief
Deliverable 3.7 Citizen Science as a communication tool in the Post-Factual Era
Joana Magalhães, Blanca Guasch, Rosa Arias,
06/10/2023 - addressing ethics, misinformation, - Deliverable
NEWSERA Blueprint for CitSciComm with and for policymakers
Joana Magalhães, Rosa Arias, Blanca Guasch,
06/10/2023 - - Deliverable
NEWSERA Impact Framework
Joana Magalhães, Rosa Arias,
06/10/2023 - communication, RRI, impact, stakeholders engagement, - Deliverable
NEWSERA Blueprint for CitSciComm with and for academic scientists
Blanca Guasch, Joana Magalhães, Rosa Arias,
05/10/2023 - - Deliverable
NEWSERA Blueprint for CitSciComm with and for citizen scientists and society at large
Joana Magalhães, Blanca Guasch, Rosa Arias,
05/10/2023 - - Deliverable
NEWSERA Blueprint for CitSciComm with and for science journalists
Rosa Arias, Joana Magalhães, Joana Magalhães,
04/10/2023 - - Deliverable
D5.3 Guide of Science Communication in Citizen Science Projects and Citizen Science Journalism (look for the checklist on misinformation)
Rosa Arias, Joana Magalhães,
03/10/2023 - ethics, misinformation, data journalism, - Deliverable
Citizen Science and Participatory Science Communication: An Empirically Informed Discussion Connecting Research and Theory
Rosa Arias, Joana Magalhães,
01/10/2023 - Citizen science, Participation, science governance, science , technology, Public engagement, - Articulo Científico
Pathways for adopting Outstanding Open Science Communication addressed to Scientists, Journalists, Teachers, Policy Makers and Entrepreneurs
Karinna Matozinhos, Joana Magalhães,
31/08/2023 - Ciencia Ciudadana, - Deliverable
The ENJOI Engagement Methodology for target users and quadruple helix stakeholders
Rosa Arias, Blanca Guasch, Karinna Matozinhos, Joana Magalhães,
15/10/2022 - Engagement, comunicación científica, periodismo, cuadruple, helice, metodología, - Deliverable
Keeping participants engaged in citizen science projects: the role of science communication strategies
Joana Magalhães, Rosa Arias,
09/10/2022 - citizen science, citizen engagement, - Articulo Científico
Report on the ENJOI Engagement Workshops
Karinna Matozinhos, Blanca Guasch, Joana Magalhães,
09/10/2022 - Talleres, comunicación científica, periodismo, cocreación, - Deliverable
Report on indicators for impact assessment of science communication in Citizen Science Projects
Blanca Guasch, Joana Magalhães, Rosa Arias,
08/10/2022 - communication, impact, RRI, stakeholders engagement, gender, - Deliverable
A methodological approach to co-design citizen science communication strategies directed to quadruple-helix stakeholders
Joana Magalhães, Blanca Guasch, Rosa Arias,
07/10/2022 - science communication, 4H, co-design, - Articulo Científico
Report on the ENJOI Labs
Karinna Matozinhos, Blanca Guasch, Joana Magalhães,
07/10/2022 - Talleres, comunicación científica;, periodismo, cocreación, cuadruple helice, - Deliverable
Defining Citizen Science Communication Strategies to Engage Citizens: NEWSERA Lab
Joana Magalhães, Rosa Arias, Blanca Guasch,
06/10/2022 - science communication, co-design, engagement, citizen science, - Póster Científico
A methodological approach to co-design citizen science communication strategies directed to quadruple-helix stakeholders
Joana Magalhães, Blanca Guasch, Rosa Arias,
05/10/2022 - - Deliverable
Data4CitSciNews exhibition
Joana Magalhães,
04/10/2022 - - Folleto
Manifiesto para una comunicación científica responsable
Joana Magalhães,
01/10/2022 - - Manifesto
Taking stock and re-examining the role of science communication
Joana Magalhães, Rosa Arias,
21/10/2021 - - Articulo Científico
Re-thinking Science Communication: Take-away Ideas for Citizen Science Initiatives
Joana Magalhães, Rosa Arias,
12/10/2021 - - Articulo Científico