Training in participatory dynamics with collaborative digital whiteboards
Number or range of participants
Approx. 10-30 people.
In person, online or hybrid
We currently find ourselves in a post-pandemic situation, where there is a need to explore new methods of digital communication and collaboration. In this context, collaborative digital whiteboards have gained significant interest, and their use has increased considerably, to the point where digital whiteboards are now even used during in-person events.
This training introduces various tools of this kind (Miro, Mural, Jamboard, etc.) and focuses on how to plan a dynamic using a collaborative digital whiteboard, taking into account the necessary training of participants, optimal timing, how to facilitate a session, and general recommendations based on our extensive experience with these whiteboards. Finally, we discuss the evaluation method used at SfC to measure the success of a participatory session of this kind and open the discussion to share other experiences regarding the use of digital whiteboards and the evaluation of such sessions.