Isidora Fernández

Creative Producer

Contact with Isidora Fernández:

Isidora Fernández

Creative Producer

Isidora treballa transversalment en els projectes SfC, buscant maneres d’utilitzar l’art com una eina per comunicar i fer ciència, com ara portant la ciència ciutadana als museus per transformar-los en espais participatius. És la nostra ment creativa!
Isidora studied social communication (Catholic University of Chile), graduated in Ecotourism Administration (Andrés Bello University) and completed a Master’s Degree in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication at UPF-BSM.

During the last few years, she has worked coordinating community tourism development projects in Chile, looking for ways and tools to involve citizens in the design of strategies and services for rural destinations. She has also worked as an experience designer for different museums, contributing from the creation of original science museum rooms, as well as educational resources and experiences on different STEAM themes.

Isidora works transversally in SfC projects, looking for ways to use art as a tool to communicate and do science, for example, taking citizen science to museums to transform them into participatory spaces. It is our creative mind!

Contact with Isidora Fernández:

Awards and recognitions for his work.

Beca “NatureLab Residency” - 2023

Primera artista residente de la Rubin Family Foundation en NATURE Lab en complemento del programa Water Justice Lab Source to Estuary y contribuye al creciente proyecto Sanctuary Eco-Art Trail, apoyado por el NEA. Enlace

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